Monday, 5 May 2008

Movie Watch: Ironman: Witty, clever, some great acting

Robert Downey Jr. plays Ironman

Ironman is not a classic superhero movie but is consistently witty and likable. A good script and some great acting are its core reactors.

Robert Downey Jr. excels as Tony Stark and Ironman. Gwyneth Paltrow returns to the screen as Stark's best friend and assistant. Ironman is exactly how a comic book adaptation of the irreverent kind must be.

Don't go too deep, don't take the storyline too seriously, entertain and give audiences a rich appealing playboy genius hero with a cool armored metal suit to root for. Let the metal man get the bad guys and after getting through a villain, rush to a happy sequel-promising ending. That is what Marvel Studios clearly aims for and gets there.

Ironman is a breezy, enjoyable experience on the big screen. 

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