Saturday, 31 December 2011


We feature our favourite Hindi film songs of the year of the 2011,  THE BOOM BOX IN THE PROJECTION ROOM . The exact link is here: The Hindi Film Songs of 2011

Thursday, 15 December 2011

Stories Retold as Twitterature

Yes, people, we have been retelling our favourite stories through the limitations of Twitter, apart from other spontaneous stuff and so far it has certainly been enjoyable. We shall carry the complete versions of these retold stories in the blog soon. For the stories and the other stuff we do there you can follow us on Snehith Kumbla on Twitter

Monday, 12 December 2011

Our Haiku in the Dec 2011 World Haiku Review

The haiku tribe of the World Haiku Review, also the part of the World Haiku Club have accepted couple of our stuff in the December 2011 issue.

Published online on a quarterly basis, the review has again some spellbinding stuff from the makers of haiku from all over the world.

Here is the link to the main page of the December 2011 issue: World Haiku Review December2011

Here is the link to the page containing my haiku for December 2011: Page 1 of December 2011 issue 

It was after a very inspiring Haiku workshop held in November 2010 in Pune, that first got me in to this form of poetry. Our first haiku appeared in WHR in the January 2011 edition:
WHR Jan 2011 (page 1)
WHR Jan 2011 (page 2)
WHR Jan 2011 (page 3)

This was followed by couple of them in WHR August 2011 and a solitary one in The Heron's Nest:
Heron's Nest June 2011
WHR Aug 2011 (page 1)
WHR Aug 2011 (page 2)

Friday, 9 December 2011

Idling on Twitter

We celebrate the art of loafing around and the joy of having the time to waste, betwixt the slave routine. Hail the idlers! Hail the loafers! Also we celebrate this essence all week at our twitter page, whenever we feel like it and not by compulsion, we shall post stuff....follow us on Snehith K on Twitter 

Today we talk about the 50 exact days we spent without anything resembling a job and how much learning was packed in those unfolding, uncertain days.